Saturday, February 25, 2012

Getting to Know You . . . I Mean, Me

This post is in response to a getting-to-know-you activity on a writing website I just discovered: Participants were asked to copy and paste the questions and then answer them. These are my responses.

What is your name (real or otherwise)?
Diane Tarantini (Preferably sung to the tune of the song, “Gary, Indiana” in
The Music Man.)

Describe your writing style in three words.
Spare, honest, confessional

How long have you been writing online?
Since 2009

Which, if any, other writing challenges do you participate in?

Describe one way in which you could improve your writing.
Be not as spare. Maybe.

What is the best writing advice you’ve ever been given?
Write every day.

Who is your favorite author?
Harper Lee

How do you make time to write?
I endeavor to post a piece on my blog every Friday. That “deadline” coerces me to carve out the time to write my piece and edit it (multiple times). Setting submission goals is helpful also. Oh, and like someone else said, I don't do housework. Much.

Give us one word we should consider using as a prompt.

Direct us to one blog post of yours that we shouldn’t miss reading.


  1. I love reading your blog. I feel like I need some prompts to and exercises to get my writing moving along. I may check out the writing site you got this from!

  2. Do It Majesta! It's been fun and inspiring and motivating. Usually the word counts are low so you HAVE to write lean. Then everyone reads each others' pieces and comments. I did BLT, Love and Hate, and a do-over of Reaping and Sowing (April 30,2010 post) for WriteOnEdge. Can't wait to start (on MOnday maybe?) with Trifecta:)

  3. I've been in need of writing prompts these days. I need to put more into my writing and really work at it b/c I feel like I don't convey the story sometimes as well as I could. Sometimes it's just a push to get it posted and up. I always like reading your posts and stories. I admire the bloggers who have a gift for storytelling!

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  5. How often do you post on your blog, Sandbox? Even though I only post on Fridays, sometimes a day or two out I don't have any idea what I'm going to post. That's a great time to have a prompt:)

  6. This was an interesting post. It's always nice to learn more about the bloggers we follow:~)

    Hey, I have another prompt site for you. It would be perfect for the your post, A Love Hate Friendship. This one is more flexible about when you put up a post, you just have to be clear which one you're writing to and add a link back to her site. Here's the site and the prompt:

    Have fun:~)

  7. Hey Sara:
    Thanks so much for thinking of me:) I went to this sight and tried to figure out how to post since she doesn't use the Link Up system. Do I just put my info (name, email, blog address) under the last person's or do I copy and paste my story into the comment field? Any idea?
